Helpful Links 5.5.2017


Stephen McCaskell, director of Through The Eyes of Spurgeon, has come out with a documentary on the life and ministry of the great reformer Martin Luther. Click here to buy the film.

Here is a helpful article by Russell Moore on the new Netflix tv show "13 Reasons Why." Moore writes, "Whatever is streaming on Netflix, though, we can be the kind of church that speaks of life and hope to those who see death as their only way out. Suicidal kids aren’t crazy or freakish or, sadly, all that rare. They are our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters. And, like all of us, they have trouble seeing something in the moment."

If you are color blind like me, you know the struggle of wanting to see colors the way others do. And to pass that stupid color blind test with all the different colored dots. My wife bought me some Enchroma sunglasses recently and they are pretty awesome. Although I don't think I will pass the color blind test, colors are more vibrant and stick out. While driving with them on, I get distracted by all the different shades of colors that I normally don't see. Check out Enchroma.

And lastly, this article from Jared Wilson entitled Grace and The Non-Instagrammable Church. Jared is so raw and real in his writing. I love this quote from the article: "The doctrine of grace when administered with a spirit of grace gradually becomes a culture of grace." Also check out his new book The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can't Get Their Act Together


8 Hours Or Less By Ryan Huguley


Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms