CSB Verse By Verse Reference Bible

The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is a revision translation from the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) translation. It seeks to stay as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity. Up until this point, Holman has not had a high-end goatskin Bible, but they have just recently come out with the CSB Verse By Verse Reference Bible, Goatskin Leather.

Right out of the box this Bible proved to be of high quality. The feel of the goatskin leather is so nice. Very solid and sturdy yet soft to the touch. It has three ribbon markers (black, yellow, and orange) and a very subtle red under gold art guilting.


When I received this Bible my biggest concern was the typesetting. With Zondervan’s extremely ugly Comfort Print font, I was worried that Holman would follow suit. But I was pleasantly surprised that the typesetting is actually quite nice! It looks like Holman used 2K/Denmark to design the interior of the Bible, which was a good move! The font is Bible Serif in a 10-point type. It is double column and verse by verse. This is a great text Bible for preaching and teaching! The design includes red bold and indented verse numbers, wide margins, and cross-references located in the bottom right (similar to the ESV Omega). Other features include: smyth-sewn binding, concordance, and full-color maps.

In conclusion:

This is a really nice Bible! While the translation is not my number one, it still is a good and helpful translation. With this Bible being printed in China, I think it should be one that other publishers take a look at. While I am not sure that any printers can beat the superior quality of Jongblood in the Netherlands, I do think they can come close as this Bible has.

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