A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689

For ages, Baptists have been putting down on paper what they believe in. It's like their way of saying, "Here's what we stand for." One of the big ones is the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith from way back in 1689.

Now, in this new study, more than twenty different contributors are taking apart this old confession and explaining what it means.

The exploration of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 in this volume is needed in the church today. Baptists have a rich tradition of expressing their beliefs through formal confessions and I am so glad to see a work like this finally published.

Their is an emphasis on redirecting believers repeatedly to the Bible, as the ultimate and infallible guide for all matters of faith and obedience. Overall, it's a valuable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of Baptist beliefs and an encouragement to continually engage with the foundational truths of the faith.

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